Hi, I'm Ammy! (She/Her)

Ammy is not my real name, but it's a name I've used to refer to myself online for a long time.My socials can be found below. Twitter (Left is main, right is fandom) and Instagram are my most active.

About me!

  • I am mostly just a fangirl who is a fan of way too many things.

  • 24 years old

  • Swedish

  • Autistic

  • Even if I'm no longer super into something I used to be highly interested in, I am always happy to talk about it!

  • I like to draw a lot, and hope to one day be good enough at it to work with it professionally!

  • I use Paint Tool SAI and a Wacom Tablet to draw.

  • I like to play video games too!

  • I create way too many Original Characters (well, I like to think they are somewhat original). Can barely keep track of them all.

Before you follow

(Interests can be found at the bottom)

  • Even though I go by she/her pronouns and am cisgender, I don't mind it if I'm referred to by other pronouns.

  • I am autistic so I have trouble detecting sarcasm. I would appreciate it if tone indicators are used regarding sarcasm and jokes! (I don't need them otherwise) This is mostly if we are mutuals or are interacting with each other.

  • - On a similar topic, if we are talking to each other and anything I say or do makes you uncomfortable, please tell me directly. I struggle with understanding social cues and "reading between the lines", ESPECIALLY through text. Something as simple as "this makes me uncomfortable" is enough for me, no need to elaborate. All I want in return is that you respect my boundaries too.

  • I don't make a lot of my own posts on social media because I'm too shy to do it. However, I will often like and share things I find interesting!

  • I don't often stray from my interests so if you follow me for anything outside of them that I might have interacted with or shared once or something like that, you'll most likely be sorely disappointed.

  • I am not a native English speaker (I'm Swedish) and self-taught so I'm sorry if there is ever any bad or weird grammar or spelling.

  • I would appreciate it if I'm asked before DMing me, I get anxious with DMs from out of the blue.

  • I prefer interactions with me to be SFW. I am not against NSFW in any way nor against NSFW accounts following me, it's just not something I actively seek out or want to engage in.

  • I try to respond as quickly as I can, and if I don't, it's either because I'm sleeping or away from home.

  • IMPORTANT: If you notice that I am following someone problematic or they are following me, I'd appreciate if I'm told about it! It's even more appreciated if proof of problematic behaviour is provided too. Please do not take offense if I ask for proof first, I just want to make 100% sure.

Interests (Special interests are in bold)

I am always happy to talk about them!

  • Pokémon (This is my biggest special interest, please talk to me about it)

  • Marvel (Mainly the MCU and the Fox X-Men films. I don't care about the comics, sorry!)

  • - Spider-Man films (Kind of a "sub section" of my Marvel interest because I like basically anything Spider-Man, not just the MCU variant)

  • DC Comics (Mainly the DCEU/DCU. Again, I don't care about the comics.)

  • Undertale

  • Deltarune

  • Eurovision

  • Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit

  • Disney/Pixar ("Onward" especially!)

  • Dreamworks

  • Nintendo

  • The MOTHER series

  • Super Smash Bros.

  • Okami

  • Star Wars

  • Ducktales 2017

  • Lazy Town

  • Steven Universe

  • Queen

  • ABBA

  • Astrid Lindgren’s works

  • ... and probably more to come!

  • (Don't be afraid to ask about other things not listed here! Because some things not listed here can also be interests I used to be into but not anymore.)

Do Not Interact

If you break any of these boundaries, it's an instant block. No exceptions.

  • Basic DNI Criteria (Racist, Homophobic, TERF/Truscum/Transmed/Transphobic in general, ableist, zoophile, "MAP"/"MAP" ally, etc. etc.)

  • Zionist/Israel Supporter

  • Discriminate based on religion

  • - Also, do not try to push any religion or religious beliefs on me. I don't care about what religion you believe in as long as it doesn't harm people or wish harm on people (like using religion as an excuse to be homophobic or transphobic). Simply talking about it with me is fine, though.

  • NFT/NFT supporter

  • "AI Artist"/"AI Art" supporter

  • Pro-life/Anti-choice

  • Asexual and/or Aromantic exclusionist

  • - Exclusionist in general

  • Proshippers/Anti-Antis

  • If you ship/support ships that are pedophilia, incest (THIS INCLUDES ADOPTED AND STEP AND FOSTER FAMILIES), abuser and victim, zoophilia, etc. etc.

  • Lolicon/Shotacon

  • Radqueer/Pro-Transid

  • Yes, this includes "proship neutrals" or "radqueer neutrals" or "lolicon/shotacon neutrals", etc.

  • Aging up child/minor characters just to sexualize them (especially if the "aged up" version is just the character except taller)

  • Ship real life people.

  • Ship canonically gay/canonically lesbian characters with the opposite gender.

  • Against neopronouns or xenogenders.

  • Pro Cringe Culture

  • "Fandom Criticals" or similar (Even with things I don't care about. I have never had a single good interaction with one.)

  • Unironically use the term "irredeemable media".

  • Critical of/Dislike Pokémon (usually I wouldn't block anyone simply being critical of my interests sometimes, but this is my main special interest, it makes me intensely uncomfortable to see criticism or hate aimed against it or Game Freak. YES I KNOW THERE IS VALID CRITICISMS TO BE MADE, I HAVE THEM TOO. Doesn't make me less uncomfortable.)

  • - You dislike Charizard in any way, shape, or form /serious

  • Use the r-slur (even if it's in a "reclaiming" way.)

  • You're part of "The Fandom Menace" or support "The Fandom Menace"

  • May add in the future as I see fit...

Again, if you break any of these boundaries, it's an instant block. No exceptions.


These are things I don't particularly fancy but it's not bad enough that I instantly block people over it. I just simply ignore it and would prefer to keep it that way. I will block if pushed, though.

  • Critical of my interests (This is a "thin ice" thing for me. Call me sensitive all you want, but I get incredibly uncomfortable with criticisms of my interests, ESPECIALLY if it's about my special interests. Even if I agree with the criticism, I still get uncomfortable. I will not block someone for doing it once or twice or simply saying they don't care for or dislike something, and I genuinely do try my best to just ignore it and move on, but I will block if it's an often repeated thing.)

  • - Also, if I'm ever critical of one of my interests, DO NOT use this as an excuse to post unrelated criticism or to just completely shit on it under my post. Even if it's a joke.

  • I am fine with NSFW accounts following and interacting. I do follow several people who post NSFW. What I am NOT fine with is anyone trying to engage with me in a NSFW way (like, sending me NSFW images, talking to me in a sexual way, making sexual comments under my posts, etc.). If it's the first time it happened, I will tell you to not do that. However, I WILL block you if you keep doing it even after I asked you to not do that with me.

  • (MCU Specific) Disliking Tony Stark AND/OR disliking Steve Rogers. Also disliking MCU Spider-Man.

  • - Critical of Spider-Man: No Way Home. (This film is very special to me, I'm sorry)

  • (Spider-Man specific) Arguing about who is "the best Spider-Man" (I THINK ALL OF THEM ARE GOOD).

  • (Deltarune specific) The ships Kris/Susie, Kris/Noelle, and Kris/Ralsei. (I honestly don’t really have a good reason for the first two. HOWEVER, I am actually perfectly fine with the poly ship of Kris/Susie/Noelle! But for Kris/Ralsei, I just feel Ralsei resembles the Dreemurrs way too much from what we currently know of him.)

  • (Eurovision specific) You are often critical of Sweden or often shit on Sweden.

  • Genshin Impact

  • Harry Potter

  • Rick and Morty

  • The Boys (The comic, not the show)

  • Non-canon shipping (I am not against them if they are genuinely harmless ships, it's just not something I am interested in. I prefer BrOTPs or friendships/family dynamics instead. ESPECIALLY family dynamics.)

  • - Actually, shipping in general. Again, I am not against shipping, and I have a few canon ships that I truly adore, it's just not something that interests me all that much.

  • K-pop stans (K-pop in itself is fine, not to my taste, but the stans scare the hell out of me)

  • Clowns (I have coulrophobia)

  • Snails/slugs (the ones with big shells are fine)

  • Jellyfish

  • I am generally fine with gore. However, I cannot stand eye gore. That is the one thing I cannot handle.

  • Don't hesitate to ask about other things. There may be some I haven't really thought about or that aren't listed here because I didn't think of them while writing.

  • May add more in the future as I see fit...

I just really like Charizard.
My favourite Pokémon of all time.